How To Lose Weight Fast, According To Experts

 How To Lose Weight Fast, According To Experts

For a variety of reasons, people want to reduce their weight, and many fall victim to fad diets that promise noticeable effects quickly. Although there are techniques to speed up your weight loss efforts, it's crucial to realize that losing weight too quickly can have unintended consequences. Safe, effective, and long-lasting weight loss is more about the journey than it is about a scale-based destination and an impending deadline, like so many other aspects of life. For professional tips on how to reduce weight and keep it off, continue reading.

15 Tips for Safe and Sustainable Weight Loss, According to Experts

1. Implement Long-Term Lifestyle and Behavior Changes

Albertson advises against using the word "diet" when attempting to reduce weight. Dieting can be uncomfortable and cause hunger, which makes you think about food all the time—exactly what you want when attempting to reduce weight. Rather, she advises focusing on taking care of your body first and viewing weight loss as a component of becoming healthier. "Losing weight is a challenging task, and while you can't completely control the number on the scale, you can manage your diet, exercise routine, and other factors that affect weight, like stress and sleep," adds Albertson. She advises making rewards for yourself when you reach your SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-sensitive) goals.

2. Focus on the First 5% to 10%

Consider the health advantages that can result from even small weight loss rather than overwhelming yourself with an unachievable goal like "I need to lose 25 pounds." Bennett says, "Set smaller, achievable targets." "You can significantly improve your health and lower your risk for illnesses like type 2 diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular disease, and certain types of cancer by losing just 5% to 10% of your total body weight (TBW)."

3. Reduce Your Intake of Ultra-Processed Carbs and Sweets.

What you eat matters most while trying to lose weight, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association[1]. If you enhance the quality of the meals you eat, the pounds will drop off faster. Reducing your consumption of sugar and quickly digested carbs is one of the best methods to lose weight, according to Bennett. Specifically, you should eliminate or significantly reduce your consumption of items high in glycemic load, like sugary snacks, processed carbohydrates, and soft drinks. You'll lose weight more quickly if you avoid or consume less French fries, chips, crackers, and similar foods.

4. Eat More Plants

Studies indicate that adopting a plant-based diet is not only more conducive to weight loss than low-calorie diets, but it is also more manageable[2]. It also provides a wealth of nutrients and other health advantages. According to Albertson,(Let's lose weight in 10 days) "Produce supports weight loss because it's rich in water and fiber, which both take up space in your stomach so you feel full but have no calories." Actually, a Brazilian study discovered a link between improved weight loss and consuming more fruits and vegetables.

Albertson advises starting with five servings of veggies each day and working your way up to seven or nine. "Start your day with a green smoothie, eat fruit for snacks and desserts, and have a salad or chopped vegetables with your lunch," the woman advises. "For dinner, try making more stir fries, adding vegetables to your pasta meals, and whisking them into soups."

5. Pump Up Your Protein

Consuming more protein can help you feel less hungry and keep your muscle mass from eroding. "You can improve appetite control and manage your body weight by eating around 25 to 30 grams of protein—two scoops of protein powder or four ounces of chicken breast—per meal," advises Dr. Albertson. "The optimal approach is to ensure that each meal includes one serving of high-quality protein."

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