The healthy and holistic Ayur-Yoga basic course review

 The healthy and holistic Ayur-Yoga basic course review

The healthy and holistic Ayur-Yoga basic course — In a world that is becoming ever faster and more stressful, many people are looking for ways to bring body, mind and soul into harmony. The Ayur-Yoga basic course by Remo Rittiner, a recognized expert in yoga therapy and Ayur-Yoga, offers a unique opportunity to achieve exactly this balance.

With over 27 years of experience in yoga practice and teaching, Rittiner has developed a program that not only promotes physical health, but also has profound effects on mental and emotional well-being. In this comprehensive review, we will examine the features, content, and benefits of the course in detail.


The Ayur Yoga Basics course is aimed at beginners and advanced students alike. Whether you are just starting out with yoga or want to deepen your practice, Remo Rittiner's course is designed to meet each participant where they are. This program is based on the wisdom of Ayurveda and the practice of yoga to promote holistic health and well-being.

What is Ayur Yoga?

Ayur-Yoga combines the ancient Indian healing art of Ayurveda with the physical and mental practice of yoga. This combination aims to restore and maintain the body's natural balance. By adapting the yoga practice to individual needs based on the Ayurvedic constitutional type, Ayur-Yoga offers a tailored approach to promoting health.

Contents of the Ayur Yoga Basic Course

The course covers a variety of topics, from basic yoga asanas and breathing techniques to specific exercises aimed at balancing the three doshas (kapha, pitta, vata). Participants will also gain insight into the fundamentals of Ayurveda, including nutritional tips and lifestyle changes to support their yoga practice and overall wellbeing.

Benefits of the Ayur Yoga Basic Course

  1. Holistic health: The course not only promotes physical fitness and flexibility, but also supports emotional and mental health.
  2. Individual approach: By integrating Ayurveda, the course offers customized recommendations tailored to each participant.
  3. Flexibility: As an online course, participants can complete the lessons at their own pace and according to their own schedule.
  4. Expertise: Remo Rittiner brings his extensive experience and deep understanding of yoga and Ayurveda to the course, ensuring a high quality learning environment.

Experiences of participants

Numerous participants report significant improvements in their physical and mental health after completing the course. Many highlight how the combination of Ayurveda and yoga has led to a deeper understanding of their body and its needs, which in turn has contributed to a more conscious and healthy lifestyle.


Remo Rittiner's Ayur Yoga Basics course is an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of yoga while integrating the principles of Ayurveda to promote a holistically healthy life.

Combining practical exercises, theoretical knowledge and guidance from an experienced teacher, this course provides everything you need to improve your health on all levels. Whether you want to deepen your yoga practice or find an introduction to a healthier life, the Ayur Yoga Basics course is the perfect starting point.

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